What Does an Estate Planning Attorney Do?
What Does an Estate Planning Attorney Do? As estate planning lawyer in Ann Arbor MI, we play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals have their affairs in order. Did you know that over 60% of Americans...
Happy Arbor Day
Just as with trees, the best time to complete your estate plan is years ago. The second best time is today. There is no better time than right now to plan for your future and for that of your loved ones with a comprehensive estate plan, including: Wills. Trusts,...
Estate Planning to Help Protect Your Family’s Financial Future
An estate plan is more than a will, a trust, or a fancy binder full of papers. It’s more than a free dinner and a slick presentation. It’s the vital first step in helping ensure that your loved ones are provided for in the event of the unexpected, and it’s serious...
Funding Your Trust–An Essential Step
Consider this scenario: You hire an attorney to draft a revocable living trust in order to shield your assets from probate. After collecting the relevant information your attorney drafts a well-crafted revocable living trust, along with a pour-over will. After...
Charitable Giving to Help Create Your Legacy
Another important aspect of estate planning is using that plan creates a legacy by benefiting charitable organizations and educational institutions. High wealth clients can reap significant tax benefits from setting up charitable lead trusts or charitable remainder...
Prenuptial Agreements
While not exactly the most romantic part of getting married, a prenuptial agreement may well be the most important part of getting married, especially for those with children who are remarrying after divorce or death of a spouse. A prenuptial agreement, coupled with...
Why Do People Put Off Setting Up an Estate Plan? Procrastination is the Culprit
Most people would rather put off the topic—and the task—of estate planning for another day...or another year. They say things like: “I don’t want to spend the money right now.” “It’s just easier not to think about it.” “It’ll take care of itself.” “It won’t be my...
What Happens When You Don’t Plan Ahead?
When you don’t plan ahead by having a comprehensive estate plan, state law governs: The Court appoints a guardian for you if you are incapacitated. Doctors and the Court make medical decisions for you if you are incapacitated. The Court appoints your personal...
Why Estate Planning? To Help You Protect Your Family’s Financial Future
A common question that comes up whenever I present an estate planning seminar goes something like this: “Why do I need an estate plan, anyway? All I have is a few IRAs and my house. What’s the big deal?” The answer to this question goes to the heart of how we want to...
Reviewing My Estate Plan: How Often?
How often you should have your estate plan reviewed depends largely on where you are in life: In your 30s and 40s, every three to five years. In your 50s and 60s, every two to three years. In your 70s, every one to two years. In your 80s and beyond, every year. There...
- 734.827.9450 (office)
- 734.645.4952 (mobile/text)
- Chris@ArborLegal.com
- 2860 Carpenter Road
Suite 100B
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108
- Monday-Friday
9:00a to 5:00p - Consultations by appointment
- In office, by telephone, or online
- Evening and weekend appointments available
- Home, hospital and extended care facility visits available